Thinking Blog

MediaLink: Going Green In Business

Written by Jenny Harris | Feb 2, 2021 3:15:00 PM

Printing What You Need, When You Need It

There is a lot of talk about being "sustainable" or "eco-friendly". These terms are more than mere buzzwords. They tell your customers that your company is not only socially conscious but prudent in business as well as forward-thinking. The world is changing. We shop more online, meetings are being held virtually, and your co-worker may no longer be in the next cubicle but across town. Marketing and Public Relations strategies are moving online more and more. Despite that, there will always be a need for printed materials.

There are times when nothing but a printed piece will do. Flyers and other sales collateral remain quick and relatively inexpensive ways to reach your customers. Large format banners and signage are effective for events. Business cards, brochures, and manuals are all still necessary.

On-demand printing like Phase 3's MediaLink is the way to incorporate the new ways of business with doing your part to help the environment. MediaLink's proprietary system can revolutionize the way you handle your print materials.

  • It streamlines the order and distribution system.

  • It allows end-users to easily create, customize, and proof print materials online.

  • It allows printing on any substrate including recycled papers and sustainable, rigid materials, all while using eco-friendly inks.

  • It simplifies the print order and fulfillment process.

The Big Picture

Historically, print materials needed to be ordered in set amounts with minimums. That worked in the past when the standard was to do a large print run, use what was needed, and then throw out any excess when the material became outdated.

These days businesses are more evolving more quickly and their needs can change very rapidly. This is why it is important to take stock of print programs as a whole. Does it make sense to print 1,000 brochures when you only used 843 last year? With many businesses needing to operate with employees working at off-site locations, is it necessary or even possible to store printed materials until they are needed?

Phase 3 can work with you to evaluate your needs and fine-tune your collateral strategy for maximum effectiveness. Using on-demand printing technology like MediaLink gives companies the flexibility they need in business today. Need 27 custom sell sheets sent overnight to your sales rep in St. Louis? That's no problem with MediaLink.

Flexible and Efficient Logistics

Along with the ability to print-on-demand, MediaLink provides strategies that enable you to streamline your operations. Your corporate headquarters or Marketing Department can retain control over brand standards and corporate identity while giving those in the field the ability to edit text and graphics for customized marketing materials. This makes it simple to create specialized print materials for local and regional markets.

A single-user interface makes it efficient for employees to create and order print materials directly. In addition, the materials can be delivered directly to where they are needed. No need to ship to corporate headquarters only to be shipped somewhere else. The bonus is that not only are you saving money, you are also saving the planet.

Financial Sense

It may seem that the added cost of on-demand printing, about 10%, would mean that you are spending more on printing. If you factor in the cost of printing extra, unneeded materials, storing those materials, and the time spent keeping track of those materials, you may be actually saving money in time and labor.

MediaLink also provides monthly usage reports to keep on top of budgets. With this information, you can quickly and accurately assess your return on investment, giving you valuable information for future campaigns and marketing ideas. On-demand printing gives you the option to print what you need exactly when you need it based on the cycle of business which also helps with cash flow.

MediaLink is Both Economic and Eco-Friendly

On-demand printing makes sense for your business both economically and environmentally. Phase 3 can help you pinpoint your printing needs. Ready to go green? Get in touch, and let's discuss how.