Creating Emotional Connections and Driving Brand Success Through Brand Anthem Videos

By Phase 3
August 03, 2023



Have you seen Google's annual "Year in Search" videos? Google releases these videos at the end of each year. They are a compilation of the year's most popular search queries and topics through viral social media videos or news footage. They capture our collective history and emotions in a visceral, uplifting, and original visual experience. Google's annual videos showcase the company's role in helping people explore and understand the world. And they’re widely viewed. As of June 2023, the 2022 video had 296 million views.



This is just one example of a brand anthem video. A brand anthem video is a short, cinematic-style video that captures a brand's essence, values, and personality. Companies use them as a branding tool to create a bond with a target audience and reinforce brand identity. The best brand anthem videos explain who the people behind the brand are, what the brand stands for, and – most importantly—why the brand exists. This is in comparison to an explainer video, which is a video that outlines how to use a brand's product or service.


The Purpose and Power of Brand Anthem Videos


A brand anthem video evokes specific emotions and perceptions related to a brand. It communicates your brand's mission, vision, and core values in a visually engaging way. Through storytelling, images, music, and narration, a brand anthem video inspires, motivates, and resonates with viewers.

Video is always an impactful marketing strategy but can also be a powerful brand strategy. Wyzowl's State of Video Marketing Report found that 95% of marketing leaders say video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness. And consumers want more. The same survey reported that 91% of consumers want to see more online videos from brands.

An effective brand anthem video builds a sense of loyalty to and pride in a brand among existing customers while also inspiring potential customers to find out more. But consumers can spot inauthenticity a mile away. Don’t cut corners on these powerful marketing tools. The juice is worth the squeeze, as they say.


Brand Videos are a Great Investment


While scripted and highly edited videos may sound expensive, there are several compelling reasons why brand anthem videos are almost always an excellent investment. Here are a few.

  1. The power of storytelling: Video is the most authentic and influential way to tell stories. We’re hardwired to react and remember stories. The human mind is about 22 times more likely to remember facts when presented as a part of a story. Stories spark engagement because we relate to a story's characters. We put ourselves in their shoes and feel what they feel from beginning to end. When the story's hero fails, we fail. And then they triumph, and so do we.
  2. Emotional connection: Through storytelling, a good brand anthem video inspires strong emotions and establishes a deep emotional connection with the viewer. That connection fosters a sense of relatability and trust, building stronger customer relationships.
  3. Memorable: Because 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual, video is the best way to tell a memorable brand story. People remember 65% of what they see, compared to 10% of what they hear.
  4. Versatile: Video reaches more people than any other form of content. In 2021, video had an audience reach of 92% worldwide. Investing in a brand anthem video enables you to amplify your message through digital channels and campaigns.
  5. Prioritized online: Social media platforms understand the power of video. All of them, including LinkedIn, prioritize video posts in their feeds. This means your video content is more likely to be viewed than your competitors’ text or image posts. An authentic video can generate organic online buzz and user-generated content, enhancing brand visibility.
  6. Long-term brand asset: A brand anthem video is not a one-time investment but a valuable and often priceless long-term asset. It can be repurposed in various marketing and branding initiatives, ensuring consistent brand messaging.

Goals for Impactful Brand Anthem Videos


Brands that use these unique videos with the following goals in mind maximize ROI.

  1. Brand introduction: A brand anthem video can be a memorable introduction to your brand, especially if your company is new or you’re entering a new market. You can present your brand's story, values, and purpose through engaging storytelling and provocative images, leaving a lasting impression.
  2. Brand differentiation: A brand anthem video can set your brand apart from competitors. It allows you to showcase your brand's values, mission, history, and vision, creating a distinct identity. It’ll enable you to tell your unique brand story.
  3. Brand awareness: Because video is so accessible and engaging, it is often the simplest and quickest way to build brand awareness. One well-made video shared through multiple channels can help your brand stay top of mind with your customers.
  4. Brand recall: Even if a brand enjoys high awareness, it doesn't mean it is memorable. Viewers are more likely to remember a visually compelling brand anthem video than text-based content. It keeps your brand on the top of your consumers' minds by enhancing brand recall. This can be critical when customers are in the middle and bottom of your sales funnel. High brand recall also ensures better word-of-mouth marketing and referrals.
  5. Brand perception: Investing in a professionally produced brand anthem video demonstrates your commitment to quality. It elevates the perception of your brand in the eyes of your target market, stakeholders, partners, employees, and industry peers.
  6. Clear communication of brand identity: Video is an effective medium to communicate your brand's personality, voice, look, messaging, and positioning. It ensures that everyone, from customers to employees, understands what your brand stands for and who the people behind it are.
  7. Employee alignment and motivation: A brand anthem video can be a powerful internal communication tool to align employees with your company's mission, vision, and values. It can also foster a sense of team pride, purpose, and motivation.

Phase 3’s Approach Impactful Brand Anthem Videos


Our video team at Phase 3 understands how powerful a well-made brand anthem video can be. We're in the business of building distinctive and authentic brands. We ensure that the script and concept we develop for you will showcase your unique brand. We also have a wide range of video partners with different strengths and toolsets—so we can find the best fit for the concept. There are no cutting corners or limiting creativity to what we can do in-house. We’re also mindful of your bottom line. We’ll never suggest an idea or concept that won't bring a return to your brand.

Here's a recent example of a brand video we created for Wirtgen, a company that designs and produces machinery for road construction and maintenance. This video features captivating images of happy families, nature in all its glory, and long expanses of roads. Sprinkled in are images of the equipment the company produces in action. A narrator tells a story of journeys and dreams and how Wirtgen brings the world closer to home with their products. The story ends with “Feeding your soul, finding your joy…it takes a road to get there,” highlighting Wirtgen’s brand promise to pave the world for greater mobility. The result is an engaging story that draws you in.

This is one example of a brand anthem video our team created that has resonated with audiences and contributed to the success of our clients. We strive to create videos that capture your brand's essence, communicate its values, and inspire emotional responses from viewers.


Our video team provides complete video marketing services, from ideation to execution. For more information about how our team can create videos to support your brand, contact us today.